Home Gifts & Registry “mommy marketing,” luxury baby products, & registry etiquette | Internet Analysis

“mommy marketing,” luxury baby products, & registry etiquette | Internet Analysis

by tiffanyferg
1 minutes read

“mommy marketing,” luxury baby products, & registry etiquette | Internet Analysis

Let’s talk about the pressures (and huge costs) of mom & baby marketing! // Use code TIFFANYFERG50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month at https://bit.ly/4eGaa3z!

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@tiffanyferg 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Wowie, last video going live before baby arrives!! Hope y'all enjoy. // Thanks, Factor! Use code TIFFANYFERG50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month at https://bit.ly/4eGaa3z!

@SadieLGardner 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I'm having my fourth in five years. Even though we knew we wanted ours quickly, I have gotten rid of more baby stuff every year. Im down to the crib and sheets, diapers, clothes, and a baby sling. And a regular bakpack for a diaper bag. You really don't need anything else (if you're nursing) for the first 6 months. Then a high chair and sippy cup.

@amandasimon1997 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

3 minutes in with a socialist communist rant…. let’s pretend our insane inflation isn’t due to government spending during Covid and the biggest wealth transfer in history from the government to the rich. Giving the government more power is the problem not the solution

@ihatemickiegee 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

i am not a mom so excuse my rant in agreement with the registry thing but i gotta do it

My cousin (not even my blood cousin, lifelong fam friend—moms bffs daughter—whos like a sis) recently had her first baby. For the baby shower I spent hours on that registry as I could tell she had. the registry had expensive options but I could filter the cheaper ones. surprise surprise, most of the cheap ones were gone already. So i search the exact midrange price items on other sites and found them a bit cheaper at target or amazon! Then what she did too was say “bring any size diaper pack to win a prize!” to ensure everyone brought diapers (so smart.) so i bought wipes too and told her if they were not to any prefered sensitivies that i included the gift receipt to swap them out. I also made sure to mark the physical items i bought elsewhere as “purchased” on her registry.

Turned out when she opened the gifts, a good chunk of the ones from yes,her blood family, got her, were surprises. she would go (as nicely as possible) “Oh.. what’s this?!” And it would be something i knew was not on the registry. her sister made sure to make a comment to one of the ppl who bought tons of outfits saying “Oh my gosh •laughter• she’s gonna grow out of them so quick!” ..I had to cover my mouth. And last but not least, the people who OF COURSE, did buy with the registry but thru amazon— and didn’t fucking mark it as purchased. So how many bath toys of the same style did she get? at least 5. how many teething rings of the same style? (I marked mine as purchased, apparently the other 3 ppl did not.) It just makes no sense to me.

Maybe it’s because having a child scares the crap out of me and I would want safety survival comfort necessities above all else, but for me it was easy to go for the necessary stuff. I went straight to teething and bath stuff, bottle cleaning stuff, carseat related stuff (all of which were on reg) and got way more joy out of that lmao. I know not everyone is like that, i know people love baby clothes. But it felt soooo much more useful (especially if u know my cousin n her health well enough to know she isnt as wealthy as the rest of them) to get the needs more than the decor/toys. and if so.. get it from THEIR DAMN REGISTRY AND MARK IT AS PURCHASED LOL shes about to have a baby and you want her to go to target with a return slip???? imagine if her babys father or her mom wasnt in the picture, she would have to do that all alone. thats why a registry even matters. so that yall dont have to run to the store within the first week of having a newborn lol

@ihatemickiegee 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

i dont even wanna be a mom and this video feels so fucking essential to the universe thank you

@HappyCrackers 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I was a teen mom. I just threw everything into my school backpack. Id say designer stuff is worth it only if you plan on having 3 plus kids cause it will last longer and look nicer. Babies are babies for such a short amount of time.

@catheryndodson4825 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

As a mom of 2, I found myself nodding my head to all of this! I remember researching away many sleepless night during pregnancy and even afterwards, trying to find what worked best for our family. It was very overwhelming because, i there was b9th too much & not enough into. Thankfully we got alot 2nd hand, and grow-with-me big items like carseats, crib, & stroller. I have found that the fellow moms in my circle are better resources for advice/ assistance. You're not alone girl! You got this mama!

@melissaballasch3408 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

My grandparents, my mom, and myself were talking about what to get my cousin for her baby shower. I said since we are talking about doing a group gift we need to pick a high priced item she needs like a mattress. Grandparents and mom said I want to do something cute. I said we can with sheet sets and stuff. I finally convinced them to get her Graco highchair.

@savannaheastall753 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

One of my friends is a summer camp director and she had everyone bring plain white onesies for each stage (newborn to 18 month) and everyone got to tie dye them at the shower. It gave her enough clothes for the first year and a half and gave people a chance to make their own cute and special outfit. I’m definitely stealing the idea in 10 years.

@saraseehusen5218 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Just wanna say congrats on your baby! I have an almost 5month old and I love it 💜

@chantalgrauel 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I have 2 children and can just say to everyone: please only buy the very basics before the baby is there! You have no idea what the baby will need or want. They grow so fast and you don't even know what clothing size they will need, so just get a few items. You or your partner can also shop (online) a few days or weeks after birth to get items you then realize you need, so no need to have eeeeverything at your home before birth just in case! Also: do not get this turtle backpack. Babies need to learn what happens when they fall, so that they can learn preventing it or making sure they don't hurt themselves next time. This is important for development.

@alliepenaherrera1976 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I'm glad the algorithm knew I am pregnant and showed me this. These are my thoughts but I felt a little guilty which I didn't think I would. breaking down the excess and lack if neccesity of these items or event really helped me.

@Mama_eats 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

The baby industry is very similar to the wedding industry. Things will be wildly more expensive for no reason. Don’t do your car seat second hand, other than that almost everything can be second hand. They won’t care, they’re a baby. I recommend saving most of your money for specific items until after baby is here, you’ll be more likely to get what baby and you actually use. And there’s a decent chance you’ll have lots of time for sleep deprived research then too. Take a deep breath, you got this!

@cassideeznutz7 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I hate the stigma around second hand/hand-me-downs. I grew up getting clothes from older relatives and sending them down the chain. And if they couldn't be sent down you know what we did/still do? Donate. Any item that is still useable gets donated to the correct place. Including toys, clothes, electronics, storage, ect. I hate when people look at you weird when you say you shared the same hight chair with multiple older relatives and its STILL being passed from kid to kid. My mother borrowed my aunts breast pump (sanitized) and it got passed to another relative after!

@jessiec668 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

The baby registry tip I read online years ago and have mostly stuck to is to buy diapers up a couple sizes from newborn (whatever brand the parents put on the registry). The reasoning is that people tend to buy the newborn sizes, which could mean the parents end up with more of the small sizes than they'll actually use, and have nothing for a few months down the line.

I put no clothes on my own registry. My mom asked me if I planned to have my baby be naked all the time. I said, "just wait and see". The first 2 gift packages I received had clothes in them. I can only imagine how much clothing I'll get at my baby shower next weekend. Luckily a lot of the essentials are being purchased too (Target and Amazon let you know when an item is bought). It's good to have a wide range of prices items to fit everyone's budget, but don't be afraid to have a couple big-ticket items. Some people might like to pool together to buy something bigger and flashier. Amazon even has a feature where someone can "donate" to buy part of a specific item without paying for the entire thing. It might also encourage people to just guve gift cards, which can also be very handy and put towards something else if you realize that you registered for something you don't really need after all.

@d.d.d.a.a.a.n.n.n 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

We should normalize giving money as a gift, too. If you don't wanna buy from the registry, give them the money you would have spent, so they can buy what they need. I hate the stigma around giving money, with some people thinking it's not very thoughtful or whatever. Money is incredibly thoughtful, and incredibly versatile, especially if the parents to be are on a tight budget

@CyberMercy 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

And, for those of you who it is Possible, Talk to your Mother, Gandmother, Aunt, Sister they've been where you are. That is the Real Purpose of the BABY SHOWER, it's not just a gimmiegots it's an opertunity to build a SUPPORT NETWORK 😎☕💋

@serenamoonxo 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

My baby shower was on my property (I live on a farm!) And my sister rented tables and chairs. It was a lovely event. We had about 15-20 people as well and girls only and no kids (to save on food $) we decorated with balloons and flowers.

@serenamoonxo 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I wanted neutral baby clothes for my baby shower.. Once my daughter hit 6+ months I went in on getting her girly clothes but SPECIFICALLY clothes for 0-3 is so helpful to have neutral if you plan to have more kids.. and everyone was so upset about it like please I'm trying to save money by having this… Christmas is around the corner by her girly stuff then but right now I need help lol

@WeRequireMoreMineral 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

As a first time mom, almost everything I got for my baby was hands-me-down or bought second-hand save for a few important items like the car seat. I didn't even set up a nursery because in my country they recommend having the baby sleep in the parents room during the first year to reduce SIDS anyway.
I saved so much money I was able to afford more time with my baby before being forced to go back to work, which I think is more important for a baby than a fancy stroller or couture diaper bag 🙂

@alexromero7320 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Long time viewer, first time commentator! I have a 1 1/2 year old and the advice I would give past me and anyone else is to buy the essentials first and wait until you meet your baby to buy extra. When my daughter was born, she had everything that you could possibly need for a baby because I’m a chronic overthinker. She never used her rockers, soothers, white noise machine, milk warmer, or anything other than the necessities. She was just a chill baby and had I waited, we would’ve been able to afford her fruit addiction as a toddler. Maybe your baby might be fussier/chiller than mine but all they really need are diapers, food, car seat, bassinet and a few onesies in the beginning.

@megatronknits 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

The part about trying to be in your underconsumption era while being a new mom hit so hard. I'm 7 mons postpartum and have bought more clothes in the past year than I did from 2019-2023.

@KarenHarrismakeup 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Also my baby recliner has a usb adapter in it… game changer

@KarenHarrismakeup 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Ok but the baby brezza milk maker is a life saver 😅

@spaceblaster09 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Girl I wish I had done my shower early…I waited because part of my family was on an extended trip and I wanted them to be there. Unfortunately baby girl decided to make her debut the day of the shower so everyone came to our house and had "babywatch" while I was in labor at the hospital

@fishtank39 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

i'm eager for that video on gift giving. i just had a brush up with my mother where she wanted to get me something (that i didn't want) for my birthday, and she kept trying to cajole me until i snapped.

@kelekenobi 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

i’m so excited for you!!!

@1981lackadaisy 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

That’s a cute puppy dog you’ve got back there 😍

@emmamcphersonofficial 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I think the best investment with a brand new baby is NOT STUFF. It's extra help. Stuff can make it more convenient to take care of kids but baby sittera for a regular Mom's day out or a postpartum doula in those early sleepless days goes WAY further towards keeping your sanity.

@LilySkye 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

The best diaper bag I have and use consistently is actually the “free” one I got from Kaiser Permanente after I gave birth 😂

@TheSunnySpace 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

You don't need a diaper bag at all just use a bag you already have

@mariatejel4160 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Hope everything with your baby it's perfect💜💜💜💜💜

@LilyFlower8604 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I’m expecting my first bio-baby and, gurl, you are me and I am you because I’m at my wits end picking stuff for this registry and researching and trying not to break the bank. My social feeds are nothing but baby stuff now.

@alexclaiborne3196 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Hatch Sound Machine and Baby Brezza Formula dispenser are essential in our house. We got a Baby Bjorn bouncer second-hand from friends that we like a lot. Getting items on FB Marketplace or from friends/family is ideal. Those other high-priced items listed at the top are not really needed in my opinion.

@carolinawalling4360 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

…….formula dispenser? That's a thing? People fall for that? If you can't pour your own formula, parenthood may not be for you. I'd love to meet the people falling for some of this. Congrats for you soon to be mama! <3

@jennafink8489 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Congratulations on your baby! I just had my baby girl in July, I was NOT prepared for the amount of mental labor it took to create a registry. I thought it would be super straightforward, but like you said it takes so much time and research for every little thing! I was even researching for over an hour about what kind of towel/bedding materials were best for baby 😅 I will say that having baby girl has been way more easy going than preparing for her arrival. You will do great with whatever you have and she will love you just as much no matter what brand you buy things from. Congratulations again 💗

@lurabunny 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I got so many newborn clothes and exchanged most of them for bigger clothes (12m+) and he’s approaching 2 and have not needed to buy clothes.

@Laure__Line 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

In order to get your family and friends to use your registry, you need to select a wide majority of items that are cheap or very cheap.
Only your closest family want to buy something expensive.

[Edit : You also want to choose items that are meaningful. People want to offer a present that lasts, they won’t gift wipes or nappies unless they’re washable. They are more likely to buy a cute toy or piece of clothes from your registry than baby shampoo.]

@Kelseyveg 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

First off, congratulations! Secondly, please do a future video on gift giving!!! ❤

@chantellebehrens 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Real talk though…the Tripp Trapp chair is actually worth it. Baby can sleep in a dresser drawer or a lil box but that chair is still going strong for my 4 and 7 year olds.

@glitterstarbeau 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I tossed and returned so many clothes from my baby shower. I didn't ask for clothes!

@GingerL012 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

A note about the registry from a mom of 2: while I agree that guests should absolutely stick to the registry if they don't have kids or haven't had babies in the last two decades, sometimes other young moms in your circle will have stumbled across something that they found really useful and it can be nice of them to get you that item (though preferably after checking to see if you've already been given something like that or thought about that item and actively didn't want it). Sometimes, as a first-time mom, you just don't know what you don't know

@kaylahanley4900 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Children survived for a very long time without the internet. I think they will survive if you dont have the BEST diaper bag.

@irene9062 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

I did make a registry for myself and didn’t tell people I had one and asked for cash only for my baby shower. It was very helpful!

@taishea 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Yes! Please make the wishlist video! I am the same exact way! I literally have a MyRegistry wishlist that I share out for my Birthday/Christmas. I am very particular and I don't want people to waste their money.

@MailyNguyengetconnected 11 October 2024 - 10:28 am

Got 90% of my baby stuff second-hand, the rest I bought on sale, that helped save tons of money. The one good thing about living in Finland is that we do receive free essential baby stuff from the government. Companies also have small giveaways of sample diapers, bottles, and baby care products. We don't have a baby shower. It's just not normal for my culture and myself. It's more normal in Asia for the parents to shop for whatever they need and they will get straight up cash as gift after the kids are out, I consider that way more practical than having to make a baby registry and hope people will respect the list 😋


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