Home The Ceremony Where are marriage vows found in the bible?

Where are marriage vows found in the bible?

by athompson
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Where are marriage vows found in the bible?

Dr. Campbell describes the marriage vows in the bible and why it is important to maintain those vows. #Luveuphoria


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@BonafideBread 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

The problem with "marriage vows" is that a "vow" is that its essentially swearing an oath. And Yahusah himself explicitly told us to NEVER do this for ANY reason in Matthew 5:33 and is then quoted again in James chaper 5.

Matthew 5:33-37 KJV
33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:
34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: FOR WHATSOEVER IS MORE THAN THESE COMMETH FROM EVIL.

Lots of emphasis on COMMETH FROM EVIL. Other translations are more specific about WHO it comes from. But says the same.

Is Yahusha a liar? ABSOLUTLY NOT!!!!! The rules of marriage are laid out in scripture plainly, if you say yes to this…..that is all that is required. If you renege….YOU WILL BE JUDGED as a liar. The modern and VERY ritualistic ceremonies that most Christians participate in are steeped in PAGAN NONSENSE. DO NOT SWEAR OATHS! If scripture is to be believed (It deff is) It is a commandment DIRECTLY FROM YOUR MESSIAH WHO DIED FOR YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS MOUTH.

@origvincecarter3843 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

The verses that are being referenced are not vows!

@nessavee2205 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Question. Based on scripture; is a modern type of ceremony that is practiced today required for marriage to be legitimate, or can a man and woman vow to be wed before God by themselves and that covenant they make together before God be enough?

@jasonmunoz334 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

I made it through different channels and you got the best answer Doctor! That word of God from Numbers 30:1-6 is so powerful. You are really an advance marriage trainer. Wow, i thank My God, Jesus for bringring me in this wonderful channel, May God bless you more with knowledge and happiness🙏

@ronaldandrews283 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Wedding tarditions of today came from european pagans.Including the catholics.Even where women place their ring on their hand is NOT bibljcal.But european.This shows how clueless churches.ans in particular women are.Wordly women are.

@sophiachin1262 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Yes a marriage means the joining of two things together. True marriage is spiritual and with the right person unlocks divine blessed destiny. To "know" a woman Biblically is to enter into a sexual union and or Blood covenant through sex with the person. You can testify or celebrate your union anyway you in the public and create your own vows and promises if you like but trust me when the person is yours the Holy Spirit will make both of you know… woman and man combine to make the vowel abreviation for God in Hebrew. We are meant to be. A proper union is meant to be. Renounce immorality and forsake lust all others and leave your mother and father and cling/cleave/stick to and be meshed together with your wife. The Order of God is the way to the full release of the favour and rich abundant blessings over your life. Every hinderance or devil standing contrary against our marital settlement, progress and prosperity, that is the irrevocable covenant of God with us His people for an eternal legacy, will perish at His Word. Be covering your marriage in the Blood of Jesus and Full Armour of God daily and release The Word over your life and atmosphere daily. Speak over yourself and your mate daily. What God has set together none in all Creation can set apart. The husband and wife must be conjoined the 2 have already become one flesh before Jehovah it is a marriage unless conspired by demons as unlawful entry into the spiritual realm if manifestion. Be in prayer follow God's laws. His Ordinances over rule and over turn any other evil vow or unGodly alliance and union. All wickedness mustl break by the power of anointing and by the pleading of the Blood over their all unrighteous assignments and diabolic schemes. The sovereign will of God for the glory of His Kingdom through us must prevail. It must! Love your true Godly mate and never let go. Give THANKS for good marriages always because that is God's greatest intent for mankind next to deliverance, redemption, eternal salvation and the good health, wealth, peace, joy and prosperity in Christ and in all things for us as our inheritance. I receive my husband and he takes me as his wife and we create our legacy by the grace and mercy of Jehovah God in Jesus Mighty name. It is already done and we are forever grateful.

@user-hn6ld5zb5q 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Great video. Thanks. Love from Canada.

@ricklannoye4374 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am


Neo Evangelical (formerly known as Fundamentalist) preachers and teachers CONSTANTLY read their own prejudices into their interpretations of the Bible, if not knowingly and intentionally corrupt its original meaning! And when they are challenged with facts, they often resort to misdirection or distortion in order to conceal their corruption of the Bible

For instance, they'll do things like making it appear the only alternative to forcing people to be in socially-, religiously- and legally-recognized sexual union is for people to have sex with anyone and everyone they encounter! They have no evidence to support this notion, but it does tell us a LOT about what THEY (those who are entrapped in union where they are very unhappy) fantasize about!

Just like starving people will obsess about food and even get in fights with others to steal their food and engorge themselves, so do the sexually oppressed do the same! When people are starved for years on end, they find it incredible to believe there are other parts of the world where there are supermarkets with aisle upon aisle with all sorts of delicious food, but people just take only a basketful for what they, individually, need! Likewise, the sexually-enslaved imagine, were it not for their chains, they would plunder the "supermarket" of women in the world!

In reality, the intention of God in the creation of sexual attraction and sex, both according to the author of Genesis (2:24) and Jesus (Matthew 9:5 and Mark 10:7-8), was for adults to form sexual unions on the basis of MUTUALLY-CONSENTING intimacy, which often leads to the formation of very, deep emotional attachments, so profound the people so in love are described as having become "one flesh"!

Wherever there's been a chance for people to choose freely with whom to have sexual intimacy, what almost always happens is people soon begin to pair off! Even in the midst of the 1960s "Sexual Revolution," when numerous "free love" communes were established (with the only exception of those run by controlling cult-leaders) in no time at all, people found someone with whom they just wanted to be with all the time!

Rock stars are another example. How often do we see the most famous of rock stars who have scores of "groupies" who throw themselves at them after every performance and, yet, they will meet ONE every special woman, fall in love, and become a couple…all without the need for any sort of religion or state MAKING them stay together!

Here's another example from the Bible itself–King Solomon, who had 700 wives (sex slaves for breeding) and 300 concubines (sex slaves for entertainment) and YET, he fell in love with ONE woman, "the Shulammite"! (By the way, for all those Neo Evangelical preachers and teachers who condemn people for looking a adult pornography, they better not read the Bible book Song of Songs, a very graphically-detailed poem about King Solomon's sexual thoughts, feelings and encounters with the very special lady known as the Shulammite!)

In other words, for those who are actually putting themselves into the same sort of bondage they're constantly trying to chain others in, because they are SO brainwashed by Man's perverse corruption of sex and sexual attraction, they can NOT even imagine what it's like to be with someone in a true love relationship! They have no idea what the wondrous gift of God of love is, one so powerful that even when a man has 1000 other women he could be having his way with, he is just so happy and satisfied with that one true love, he doesn't need to go elsewhere!

Tragically, a lot of Christians do find a special love and, for a time, know exactly what it is to be so happy with that one person, they have no need to seek any other…that is, until they take the gift of God, that WANTING TO BE together, and toss it aside!

When a couple is connived into disobeying Jesus' command to NEVER make a vow (Matthew 5:33-37), in their foolish attempt to FORCE their future self to love someone, even the one they PRESENTLY love with all their heart, they end up destroying the very thing that, had it been left alone, would have most likely led to a lasting, happy relationship!

Rick Lannoye, author of https://www.amazon.com/Honeymoon-Ends-Do-Adverse-Marriage/dp/0595434479

Are you a victim of Bible Abuse? Get help at ricklannoye.com/contact

@tonneiquemiessek7822 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

The vows they have today are not in the Bible. I believe some couples take the meaning of Til Death Do Us Part too seriously.

@kaycisnaros5547 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Thank you. Nice to meet you 🤟🏽 K Low

@onlymyself7225 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

If a man divorces his wife , in the bible it says , unless she was cheating on you with another man , which , I don't know it has to be intercourse or simply to entertain another man and pursue him in some manner but it says you can NOT put her away . I wonder then , if someone does this , will they go to HELL now ? are they forbidden to marry ever again since they will now be exiled from that covenant , making them a life long fornicator no matter how loyal they are to the new partner or how good that marriage seems to be , they are still fornicators and going to hell since no fornicator can see the kingdom GOD said among specific other sins. I ask because I see this a lot in the church , actually , in my own home church I have some people going through divorce right now , and others who already have been divorced , and so , does this mean they are now fornicators if they find someone else they love and want to marry? they will be going to hell even though I see them praising and serving the LORD .

@josesaniago9765 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

If you read Genesis, with detail, God did not create marriage,matrimony, man did,yet his sinful defect ,causes this man-made institution, to it,s failure! All God did, is bring the woman, out of his rib to him! Adam opened his mouth, not God, and said for this reason, a man and a woman,will leave his or her parents, and cling to his wife, the two will be one flesh! That was Adam! Who, as you all can read! Later sinned along with eve, and from that fallen condition, various cultures began to create,various forms of marriage contracts,or agreements, to see if they can be honored! But all of us,especially in U.S.A have a rotten history of broken vows, promises, which have become>>>>>>meaningless and out of step with evolving humans today! Case closed! JJ S ,vineland.Now that's reason n logic for today's backward minded traditions!

@truefree5666 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

How to get married without marriage license in the eyes of God… is there a clear way…. steps??????? Shouldn't be confusing..

@fabulous3333 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

You religious leaders are equally responsible for making people taking a vow knowing that not every couple is going to keep that vow..
I’m a Christian and single. Seeing the divorce in the church, I have been wondering why take a vow not knowing what the future holds.
I know right? You have to believe and have faith. No because my fellow Christians a getting divorced before my eyes

@readidusseau6245 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Thank you ! Enjoyed your teaching.

@izzdaboss 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

1) First, it is important to note that no one "gets married" in the Hebrew Bible (a.k.a. Old Testament). There is no verb "to marry" or noun "marriage" in biblical Hebrew. That said, a search for "marry" in the New International Version (English translation) brings up almost 50 hits. But what they render "marry" is "take a woman." A close look at all those NIV entries shows that women sometimes marry a man, but not really. The Hebrew is "be given to a man" or "belong to a man." For example, Numbers 36:3 is translated as, If "they marry men from other Israelite tribes" — but that is NOT what it says in Hebrew. Literally, the Hebrew is, "If they belong to any of the Israelite tribes' men …"

2) Nor is there a word for "wife" — every instance of "wife" in an English translation is actually ishah — "woman." The word used for "husband" is baal. It literally means "master."

3) The word "virgin" only applies to females. She must show the "tokens of virginity" (blood on the sheets the morning after), but there is no such requirement for men.

4) There is no marriage ceremony in the Bible, nor is does any official (priest or other) to preside. There is no government process. There are two moments when a woman might be said to "be joined" to her husband. First, there is a transaction between her father and husband-to-be. When the transaction is complete, she is "betrothed" to the husband. Then, following the wedding feast, the two enter the tent. Copulation seals the union.

@jacqbx 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

I don't like when a person is just reading. Can you explain it as if you ACTUALLY know what you are talking about and then show us your proof. Why can't nobody ever say where it says there has to be a ceremony and where are the vows

@africascotland4059 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Are these vows or Godly principles for a whole marriage?

@kathryncarter6143 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Relationship with God is a requirement. -Great advice. Without God, any other flowery, sentimental, personally contrived vows are just worthless no matter how eloquently or artistically recited.

@tarekstone465 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Scott Moore, Stacie Stone, Joe Rollins, Stefanie Rollins and Wayne Holloway.. JACKIE STONE JR AND VALERIE HATTEN STONE Y’all all broke those promises to GOD AND STABBED ME IN BACK AND WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER.

@raymondchambers486 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

The vows (For better or worse, in sickness or helth… )for marriage where not discussed or showed what book in the bible possesses them.

@veronicaingram6709 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

Compared the vows to the scriptures you mentioned. None of scriptures are in the Biblical Wedding Vows. The scriptures that a writer says are related are not. The scriptures listed are: Amos 3:3;1Cor 7:11; 1Cor13:4-7; Prov18:22.

@veronicaingram6709 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

The actual wedding vows are not written in the Bible.

@veronicaingram6709 22 October 2024 - 6:48 am

So the actual vows that man and wife say at a wedding are not in the Bible


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